Field View Primary School
About our
At Field View, we aim to deliver an exciting and engaging curriculum that provides our children with the foundations of basic skills, whilst developing a thirst for learning. We want to create a curriculum which enables children to leave school with skills to equip them for their future. We believe in an inclusive curriculum which meets the needs of everyone. We want learning to be fun and exciting and allow children to access a range of enrichment opportunities. The curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning, provide first hand learning experiences, allow children to develop interpersonal skills and build resilience.
We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum for all children at Field View Primary School. Our curriculum is designed to teach subjects discretely and follows a skills based approach to ensure that specific skills are taught and revisited in order to ensure that children know more and remember more. We use a range of schemes to support teachers with planning and resources each subject and to ensure lessons are pitched appropriately and are progressive.
The impact of our curriculum ensures that all children make good progress from their starting points. Children will also know more and remember more. We measure our impact through:
- Pupil discussions
- Pupil observations
- Lesson drop ins
- Book looks
- Assessment tools
- Subject leader release time
About our
Curriculum Subjects

Get In Touch
Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701