Field View Primary School

Year 5

Year Five

Meet The Team

Miss L Bridgewood

Year 5 – Teacher

Miss T Rakhra

Year 5 – Teacher

Mrs V Taylor

Year 5 – TA

Miss M Barraclough

Year 5 – TA

Year Five

Year 5 at Field View

In Year 5, we aim to encourage, excite and engage our pupils in all areas of the curriculum and support them to be the best that they can. We encourage the children to develop their independence further and really embed all the knowledge and skills they have been taught lower in the school. In Year 5, children are presented with a range of exciting opportunities encouraging them to take on further responsibilities within school. This includes applying to become a Peer Supporter, who coordinate games and activities outside on the playground, or perhaps a Digital Ambassador and teach others about staying safe online. They can also become Junior PCSOs and receive training from a PCSO. Children take part in a Samba drum workshop led by a music specialist and get to visit the Grand Theatre to watch the pantomime. The year 5 curriculum is full of exciting topics whereby children will travel on a journey through the ages when they explore the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in history lessons, they will become game developers in computing and learn all about Chinese art and inventions through Art and DT lessons.

Year Five

Our Curriculum Leaflets

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year Five

Useful Links

Get In Touch

6 + 2 =

Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701

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