Field View Primary School

English as an additional Language (EAL)

Our Curriculum


At Field View, we want all children to achieve their full potential. A growing number of our students have English as an additional language and we want to support them to become fluent as quickly as possible.


Mrs V Kidson

EAL lead

Any child who joins Field View with EAL is assessed for their proficiency in English. This assessment enables staff to best meet the needs of children with EAL and support them to access the curriculum. For children with EAL in Reception and Year 1, we use WellComm and for children with EAL in Year 2 onwards, we use Flash Academy. Both of these programs enable us to assess the children’s proficiency in English, identify gaps in their language which enables us to be able to plan and deliver appropriate interventions. We then assess children’s proficiency in English termly to reflect on the progress they are making.

Get In Touch

11 + 3 =

Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701

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