Field View Primary School



Meet The Team

Mrs L Somers

Nursery – TEACHER

Mrs P Khelly

Nursery – TA

Mrs J Watts

Nursery – TA


Nursery at Field View

Welcome to Nursery! Starting Nursery is a big step and for many of our children the first time they have separated from parents and carers. Please do not worry! We will support you and your child to ensure they settle quickly and enjoy their first experience of school. Our team are always available at the start and end of a session should you have any queries, concerns or would like any advice. We pride ourselves on developing open and supportive relationships with parents. During your child’s time in Nursery, we provide an engaging and enjoyable curriculum for all children to thrive. We focus on developing children’s communication and language skills, personal, social and emotional skills and physical skills throughout the year. Nursery children have access to their own outdoor area every day. Each week children attend a ‘Muddy Monday’ session in our school forest area. Throughout the year, we have many story sessions and workshops where you can come into the classroom with your child. Your participation and support is always welcome.

We are always interested in seeing what your child gets up to at home. Please send any photos to;


Our Curriculum Leaflets

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Quick Links

Get In Touch

6 + 12 =

Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701

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