Field View Primary School


The greatest gift is a passion for reading!

The greatest gift is a passion for reading!


At Field View we believe that the greatest gift is a passion for reading. If we are going to succeed in ‘making a difference’ then is essential that our children learn to read and see the value of reading in real life.

We aim to hear every child read every day, either as part of their daily reading lessons, or through focused one to one reading sessions.

Mrs J Price

Reading Curriculum

subject lead


Children begin their reading journey In Nursery, where they are introduced to sounds and participate in pre-reading activities which develop phonological awareness. When they are ready, children are introduced to letter sounds and begin to develop oral segmenting and blending skills.This is built on in Reception and Key Stage 1 where children take part in daily phonics lessons using the Read Write Inc (RWI) phonics programme.



When children have successfully completed the RWI programme they begin the ‘SMART’ approach to reading which focuses on further developing comprehension skills including retrieval, inference, prediction, and explanation.

 Children have a daily ‘SMART ‘reading lesson where they practice these skills with both their class text and unfamiliar texts, including non-fiction and poetry.

 Parental support is valued, and the school greatly appreciates parents/careers hearing children read at home.


Parent Workshop

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How We Teach Phonics

Get In Touch

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Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701

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