Field View Primary School
Meet The Team

Miss C Botwood
Reception – Teacher

Mrs P Smith-Hughes
Reception – Teacher
Mrs D Callear
Reception – TA

Miss L Stanford
Reception – TA
Reception at Field View
The Reception year flies by and we are always amazed at how quickly our children settle into a full day of school. Whether your child has attended our school nursery, another nursery or has stayed at home we will support you and your child in building up to being in school full time. To our children one of the best times of the day is eating dinner in school with their friends! Our Reception team are always available at the start or end of the day if you have any queries or concerns. At the start of the year, we carry out the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment with all chidlren. This is a very practical assessment which is designed to show the children’s starting points and allow us to support them in their development. In Reception our children have daily Read Write Inc and Mathematics lessons where we focus on early maths, reading and writing skills. Through carefully chosen books to enhance our curriculum, we develop the children’s creative skills and their knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Reception have daily access to our outdoor areas, weekly visits to our school library and the opportunity to attend sessions in our school forest throughout the year. During the final term in Reception, we report children’s achievement against the statutory Early Learning Goals. These are shared with both parents/carers and Year 1 teachers to ensure their transition to the next key stage is a smooth one. Throughout the year there will be many opportunities for you to come into school to work alongside your child in the classroom environment. Our story sessions and workshops are very fun and we hope to see you there.
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Get In Touch
Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701