Field View Primary School

Year One

Year One

Meet The Team

Miss A Birchall

Year 1 – Teacher

Daniel’s primary role is as a Church Leader at Excel Church.  In this capacity he has been going in to Wolverhampton Schools for the last 19 years supporting daily acts of worship, music curriculum and school governance.  Over this time Daniel has sat on governing bodies at a number of schools including Primary and Secondary Schools, Local Authority and Academies, where he has gained a vast wealth of experience in all areas of school governance.  Daniel has helped to support schools out of special measures and now in his current role as Chair of Directors at St Martin’s Multi Academy Trust, he has supported the school through transition to academy status.  Daniel has been Chair for over 4 years after previously holding the role of Vice Chair.

Miss R Ingleby

Year 1 – Teacher

Daniel’s primary role is as a Church Leader at Excel Church.  In this capacity he has been going in to Wolverhampton Schools for the last 19 years supporting daily acts of worship, music curriculum and school governance.  Over this time Daniel has sat on governing bodies at a number of schools including Primary and Secondary Schools, Local Authority and Academies, where he has gained a vast wealth of experience in all areas of school governance.  Daniel has helped to support schools out of special measures and now in his current role as Chair of Directors at St Martin’s Multi Academy Trust, he has supported the school through transition to academy status.  Daniel has been Chair for over 4 years after previously holding the role of Vice Chair.

Miss K Sidhu

Year 1 – TA

Daniel’s primary role is as a Church Leader at Excel Church.  In this capacity he has been going in to Wolverhampton Schools for the last 19 years supporting daily acts of worship, music curriculum and school governance.  Over this time Daniel has sat on governing bodies at a number of schools including Primary and Secondary Schools, Local Authority and Academies, where he has gained a vast wealth of experience in all areas of school governance.  Daniel has helped to support schools out of special measures and now in his current role as Chair of Directors at St Martin’s Multi Academy Trust, he has supported the school through transition to academy status.  Daniel has been Chair for over 4 years after previously holding the role of Vice Chair.

Miss K Smith

Year 1 – TA

Year One

Year 1 at Field View

Year 1 is the beginning of your child’s journey through Key Stage 1, where their learning takes place in a more structured environment than in Early Years. We will support your child with this transition, so they enjoy and become confident with their new routine and environment. Throughout Year 1, we will build your child’s phonic knowledge through daily phonics teaching in small groups. They will also refine their phonics skills to begin to read more words, recognise tricky words by sight and apply these skills to reading short books with increasing fluency. During the Summer term the children will complete the statutory Year 1 Phonics Screening Check. Year 1 also provides the children with ample opportunities to investigate, explore and discover as they enjoy a range of hands on learning opportunities such as becoming restauranteurs, polar explorers and treasure hunters. As part of our experiential learning opportunities in school, Year 1 visit the Santa Safari at West Midlands Safari Park in the Autumn term.

Year One

Our Curriculum Leaflets

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year One

Useful Links

Get In Touch

8 + 7 =

Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701

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