Field View Primary School

Year Three

Year Three

Meet The Team

Daniel’s primary role is as a Church Leader at Excel Church.  In this capacity he has been going in to Wolverhampton Schools for the last 19 years supporting daily acts of worship, music curriculum and school governance.  Over this time Daniel has sat on governing bodies at a number of schools including Primary and Secondary Schools, Local Authority and Academies, where he has gained a vast wealth of experience in all areas of school governance.  Daniel has helped to support schools out of special measures and now in his current role as Chair of Directors at St Martin’s Multi Academy Trust, he has supported the school through transition to academy status.  Daniel has been Chair for over 4 years after previously holding the role of Vice Chair.

Miss J Albrighton

Year 3 – Teacher

Mrs V Kisdon

Year 3 – Teacher

Mrs T Boylen

Year 3 – Ta

Miss A Alaimo

Year 3 – TA

Year Three

Year 3 at Field View

Year 3 is your child’s first year in Key Stage 2. Children will build upon the solid foundations taught in Key Stage 1 and will refine and apply the skills they have acquired to become fluent readers, recognise a wide range of sight vocabulary and practise a range of strategies to decode new words. Year 3 is packed full of exciting topics ranging from learning all about the Stone Age in History to studying William Morris in Art. We aim to bring the curriculum to life as much as possible. Children have the opportunity to spend the day at the seaside, take part in a polyphones workshop and learn how to play the Djembe drum.

Year Three

Our Curriculum Leaflets

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year Three

Useful Links

Get In Touch

8 + 7 =

Lonsdale Road, Bilston, Wolverhampton
WV14 7AE
Tel: 01902 925701

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